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Memletics Learning Styles Questionnaire

Note: Answer each statement in the following manner:
0 - the statement is nothing like me
1 - the statement is partially like me
2 - the statement is very much like me

Questions Per Page  
1 You like to think out ideas, problems, or issues while doing something physical.
2 You enjoy dancing.
3 You solve problems by "thinking aloud" - talking through issues, questions, possible solutions etc.
4 You occasionally realise you are tapping in time to music, or you naturally start to hum or whistle a tune. Even after only hearing a tune a few times, you can remember it.
5 You like getting out of the house and being with others at parties and other social events.
6 You like logic games and brainteasers. You like chess and other strategy games.
7 You like crosswords, play scrabble and word games.
8 You can play a musical instrument or you can sing on (or close to) key
9 You read self-help books, or have been to self-help workshops or done similar work to learn more about yourself.
10 You prefer to work for yourself - or you have thought a lot about it.
Page of 7 

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